Solar Power and the Climate for Change

As you may know – solar energy is one of the most refined ways we can power our homes and

our businesses. It’s the greenest renewable energy resource, and its power comes from

something that will never diminish, for millions of lifetimes. Solar power is the cleanest energy resource on the planet, and as time goes by – solar panels will become even more efficient.

In this article, we will show you the environmental impact of using solar energy and how it can benefit you locally and globally.

The Life-Cycle of Solar Technology

Solar energy is available everywhere around the world, and produces less carbon emissions in it’s lifecycle than conventional fossil fuel energy sources. That means that the cost of creating solar panels and a solar energy system results in zero carbon emissions, which means zero environmental impact. This then leads to…

The Benefits of Solar Energy

1. Reduction of Your Carbon Footprint

Climate change is the biggest issue we are trying to combat for the next several years. By

generating electricity with solar power instead of fossil fuels – you can reduce your carbon

footprint by an enormous amount. Sunlight can be harnessed in every area in the world and is available every day. Unlike fossil fuels, solar energy is limitless, clean, and is at our disposal.

Additionally, the United States Energy Information Administration has found that by adding solar panels to your home – you will have the same reduction effect as planting 150 trees every year.

For example, in the state of New York, an average home uses about 7,000 kWh of energy

annually. By switching to solar energy – these homes can reduce nearly 5,000 pounds worth of

coal consumption per year. Just imagine – if every home in the world converted to solar energy,

the reduction of carbon emissions would be enough to turn the tide back against climate change.

By reducing our carbon footprint by switching to solar, you can effectively fight back against climate change, all while living the same life you have always had.

2. Solar Energy And Water Pollution

Water is one of the biggest resources we have on Earth, but a ton of it gets used by our

manufacturing industry and our energy suppliers as well. Nuclear, natural gas, coal, and

fracking companies use abundant amounts of water to power their systems – with a huge

drawback in returning said water in less than perfect condition. Local water resources are used

up – and they’re returned with pollutants that are poisonous to human bodies. With solar energy

and solar panels – the only amount of water you’ll ever use is to clean your panels, which is less

than .01% of what major energy providers use. If widespread solar energy adoption is created

within your locality and within the world, the problem of water pollution will be halved by the

benefits solar energy can provide.

In regards to climate change, the amount of carbon and other hazardous materials released by our manufacturing industries have a significant effect on our ecological ocean systems. This in turn causes the death of oceanic carbon reducers such as coral reefs and algae. Without these natural carbon removers in nature – climate change will run rampart. Oh, and our oceans will get warmer and more polluted as time goes by.

Switching to solar energy does more than just fight against climate change, it also helps protect wildlife everywhere, including our friends in the ocean.

3. Reduction of Respiratory Issues and Air Pollution

If you’re ever within a major metropolitan city like Morrocco or New York – you can see a nice

cover of smog within the sky. Even worse – these pollutants can affect your health, your

children’s health, and wildlife that live miles away from it.

Solar energy releases zero air pollutants into the sky, which means no more sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxides, or particulate matter. Long exposures to these types of pollutants can lead to chronic bronchitis, asthma, and cardiovascular issues. According to the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the United States – they have found that widespread solar energy adoption and the infrastructure to house industrial-grade solar panels would solve the problem of airborne pollutants while providing clean energy for your city.

Starting with your transition to solar energy, you will effectively cut air pollutants out of your community, which in turn will help in the fight against climate change.

4. Reduces Your Electricity Bills

This is why you’re here right? Even though solar energy does help with the fight against climate change, without an incentive to switch, nobody would!

With the amount of power your solar panels produce, your energy bills will assuredly drop. By how much you may ask? Well, it depends on a lot of factors, such as the way your roof is facing the sun, and how much energy your household uses. But by any measure, you look to save upwards of 40% on your annual expenditure on energy. With those savings, you can invest in other ventures that you’re interested in – or just save that money for a rainy day. It’s up to you.

This will be the biggest way solar energy can help push the fight against climate change into our favor, unless our governments can somehow make the installations and development of solar panels free for citizens, there is no active incentive (other than saving the Earth of course) to switch to solar power.

The only way we can save the remaining green on Earth, is by saving the green that’s in our wallets.

In conclusion…

Solar energy doesn’t just save you money on your energy bills, it can leave some profound

benefits for you locally and globally. You will have cleaner air, cleaner water, and best of all –

you will reduce the number of carbon emissions you let out onto the Earth.

Solar energy and solar panels are one solution to the rising threat of climate change, and by using clean energy like solar – we can all benefit from a better environment and with more “green” in our wallets as well.

Until next time!

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